Monday, June 17, 2013

More resources....Youtube Channels

In the spirit of work sharing, I want to give you some of my favorite Youtube channels I subscribe to. These are really helpful for integrating multimedia into instruction. I use them for instruction, professional development, and also for a bit of comic relief (usually during snack time). 

Mahalo Math: If you've never checked out, get there... NOW! Their motto is "Learn Anything". Enough said. This definitely isn't just limited to elementary stuff!

TeqPD: This isn't really something for the's to help you learn about tech integration in education. Lots of how-to webinars. 

Sol Tree: Another PD channel- stands for Solution Tree, created by Will Richardson. Visit for more resources. 

LearnZillion: Another math channel. I really like the graphics included in these videos. Videos for all levels. 

Test Prep: This one isn't a channel, it's a playlist I created to use with elementary students. Lots of fun test taking tips and songs. 

Question of the Day: What are your favorite Youtube channels or playlists? 


  1. Good list of channels. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks. Any suggestions for how to get my blog out there more! I keep waiting for some random person to give me a new dice as of yet.
