Sunday, June 9, 2013

Twitter Resources

I'm sure we all know the valuable resource that Twitter is for...well, basically everything. Particularly, educators can find a motherload of resources from the social media network. For a Sunday treat, I'd like to share some of the coolest people or groups I follow related to education. 

Carnival of Math: @CarnivalOfMath This math related blog has puzzles, mindbenders, articles, and pretty much all things math. Viewers can submit resources. 

Rick Wormeli: @RickWormeli After hearing Rick speak at the Differentiated Learning Conference in 2011, I became hooked! With specific focus on mastery learning and standards based grading, his Twitter feed leads to a myriad of other valuable resources. 

21st Century Teacher: @21stCenturyTch Pretty much speaks for itself! 

Vicki Davis: @coolcatteacher: save time finding internet resources, articles, blogs, and more; this woman does it all! 

Dan Meyer: @ddmeyer: Ever seen the Ted Talk entitled "Math Class Needs A Makeover"? It's that guy. Haven't seen it? Check it out here

Question of the day: What is your most valuable Twitter resource? 


  1. Thanks for the plethora of Twitter links for us to use. This is a great way to become more adept at really using Twitter for professional development.

    While this might not be fully useful for teachers to gain new ideas, I like this Twitter user as she shows what the first graders are using from a technology standpoint.

  2. This is a great post, Brandi. I think educators who aren't taking advantage of the social media vehicles at their disposal are doing themselves and their students a disservice. We live in an age where new techniques and ideas are at our fingertips, so why not go out, find them, and use them? This inspired me to research more professionals within my area of focus and see what they’re up to.
